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Debt collections

The Diem Project > Services > General > Debt collections

The legal and fair distribution of the common expenses of a building in its individual properties presupposes the inclusion of a number of parameters (the study of the engineer, the condominium declaration and the table of joint ownership percentages).

After years of experience in the issuance of common expenses, DieM has created its own specialized utility calculation system software, for the proper sharing of expenses between apartments, but also between owners and tenants.

Our specially trained staff calculates in detail all the data for the even allocation of expenses and makes sure that the common bills are issued on time, on the day that has been predetermined.

The utility bill notifications are distributed to the apartments by one of our employees and are accompanied by an equal payment receipt which is delivered to the owners and tenants when they pay the full amount due. The delivery of the notices is performed hand to hand to the interested parties on a specific day of each month, and there is also the ability of delivery after a specific appointment, even at their workplace.

In order to have absolute transparency, the administrator or the representative of the building, as well as all the owners, have the right to inspect the data that we register, by comparing the original expense documents. This way, you can be sure that both the total costs incurred and their allocation are accurate and fair.

In addition to issuing and distributing utility costs, DieM is also responsible for collecting the common fees from tenants and landlords, even when there is an appointed building administrator. Our goal is to facilitate the fee collection task, which nowadays, due to financial difficulties, is often very challenging.

Delegating your utility bills collection to DieM, has multiple benefits:

The collection process takes place through appointments with tenants and landlords in their space, either at the predetermined hours and days, or by personal appointments if the specific hours and days do not serve any of the interested parties. It is also possible to deposit the common expenses in our company’s accounts (cooperation with all banks), and also to pay by credit card.


    * By sending this you unreservedly accept and consent that our company can manage the above information to process your case. All the above personal data will be used by our company exclusively and only for the purpose for which they are provided.

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