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Debt collection

The Diem Project > Management > Debt collection

In our time, the collection of common expenses is one of the most difficult projects that an administrator has to complete. Given the financial difficulties, and especially when personal relationships are involved, a manager-owner or manager-tenant of an apartment building often finds it difficult to collect the debts on time and keep the reserve intact, in some cases even ending up in covering direct utility costs using his personal savings.

DIEM takes care of ensuring the fee collection of your building, even if it does not have the management of the building itself.

We undertake responsibly to come on specific dates and times to collect the common fees from landlords and tenants, without any involvement of yours.

We have the most modern, flexible and complete professional utility software connected with special thermal machines with which the collectors of our company issue immediate payment receipts and balance updates to the Owners / Tenants. All payment data is automatically transferred to the records of your apartment building, at the exact same time of payment, updating the system and immediately shaping the real picture of the Transaction Fund – Reserve.

In case of inability to collect fees after repeated attempts, our legal department can undertake, by order of the General Assembly of Co-ownership, to follow all the necessary actions to ensure your reserve with the procedures provided by law.



    * By sending this you unreservedly accept and consent that our company can manage the above information to process your case. All the above personal data will be used by our company exclusively and only for the purpose for which they are provided.
